AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 02/25/2023


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Bing, Comiskey, Drake, Jimmy Dean, Replay, Sea Duty, ShamWow, SnapShot, Spartan, Usher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

At 7:00: first, the 5 core principles, and disclaimer were given.We mozied toward the dog park, stopping at the T-road for some SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Hillbilly Walkers.  We continued towards the dog park, doing Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers and Morracan Nightclubs.  Then it was over the bridge to the open field by the lake.

YHC asked for a moment of silence for a family friend, Kiernan Kaliher, who passed away Feb 24, from injuries in an automobile accident.
We then split up into four groups of 3, for a Tri-Dora.  Apearantly YHC needs to study math a little better.  There were two stations that were used .  One would mozi to a station with a coupon and the other two would be doing the excercise.  When the one teammate would reach the station, he would switch with  a teammate  doing the excersise, and so on.

300 Carolina Drydocks
300 LBCs
300 Overhead Claps
300 Squats
300 American Hammers

We still had about 20 minutes, so we did some merkins, and planks, then grabbed the flags and coupons and headed back to the echo chamber for more SSH, BB Sit-ups, Imperial Walkers and Michael Phelps until 8:00.

Announcements:  Gator Wilderness Run, April 22.  Sup-n-Run May 6.  Mysterio May 20, see Pork Roll.  Opportunities at VMA.

Prayers: The Kaliher family for the loss of thier son, Kiernan.  Drake and family move. Bing’s AFIB. Airwolf’s fathers recovery.

Praises: Drake and his family move.   Thank God for a beautiful morning.

Always a pleasure leading.

SnapShot 📸

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