AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 01/21/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Bing, Goob, Jimmy Dean, Manziel, Pincher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

QIC- Goob (thank you autofill)

Weather- so cold we had several fart sackers, no names will be mentioned to protect the not-so-innocent

At 5:11, Goob rolled into the parking lot, peeled himself out of the car, and was greeted by Bing saying, “you had more clothes on yesterday.”  So yea, it was cold.  At 5:15 and 5 PAX ready to go, well kind of since Jimmy Dean was bad back stretching, Goob unveiled his plans for a one week change of pace.  With all of the circles and figure 8’s we’ve been running recently, it was decided that we would run the bridge; bridge repeats with a goal of 4 total.  Various distances were achieved from 1.5 to 3.5 repeats ranging from 2+ miles to 6+ miles.

At the end, Bing astutely said, “that sucked, thank you.”


  • Sniper’s clay shoot on January 30th (see him for details)
  • Bridge-a-life run on February 20th
  • Raider run on March 27th
  • Sup-n-run 5K


  • Pincher’s grandfather battling cancer
  • Lancelot’s surgery this morning
  • Manziel’s business opportunity progresses well
  • JD’s next door neighbor lost his sister due to Covid
  • The country had a peaceful transition yesterday so praises for that
  • Praises for the ability to be with our brothers

Always an honor boys.

~Goob out

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