When: 11/14/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Airwoulf, Amazon, Big Mac, Blade Runner, Bubbles, Chilipepper, Drake, Hammer Head, Lobstah, Olympus, Ripken, Silver Bullet, Sir Wallace, Stagecoach, Tugboat, woodford,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

5 Core Principles were shared and my ineptitudes alerted.  Modify if necessary..  Mozy!  Friendly paced mozy with high knees, but kickers.  Nur, Nur butt kickers, side shuffle and cycled up by the bridge.   SSH were performed.  In honor of downrange PAX from Cleveland Ohio, buckeye burpees were performed followed by Cornhusker burpees.   We then did a round of strawberry pickers and mozied to the bridge.   Each pax found a spot, placed feet on lowest fence board and were instructed to pull up 10 in cadence, then 10 in cadence on each leg.  We then mozied back in single file run with last pax running to the front and cycling.


Then the thang.. Coupons!!


  1. Right hand farmer carry 100 yards.
    • 50 curls and 50 Over Head Press
    • Left hand farmer carry back
  • Right hand farmer carry to opposite 90 yards
    • 90 merkin
    • Left hand farmer carry back
  • Right hand farmer carry to opposite 80 yards
    • 80 Coupon squats
    • Left Hand Farmer Carry Back
  • Right Hand farmer Carry 70 Yards
    • 70 merkins
    • Left Hand Farmer Cary back
  • Right Hand farmer Cary 60 Yards
    • 60 Coupon squats
    • Left Hand Farmer Carry Back
  • Right Hand farmer Carry 50 Yards
    • 50 merkins
    • Left Hand Farmer Cary back
  • Right Hand farmer Cary 40 Yards
    • 40 Coupon squats
    • Left Hand Farmer Carry Back
  • Right Hand farmer Carry 30 Yards
    • 30 merkins
    • Left Hand Farmer Cary back
  • Right Hand farmer Cary 20 Yards
    • 20 Coupon squats
    • Left Hand Farmer Carry Back
  • Right Hand farmer Carry 10 Yards
    • 10 merkins
    • Left Hand Farmer Cary back
  • 50 Big-boys and 50 flutters with block in press position


  • When the dust settled, 250 merkins and 200 squats were done.


We capped it off with a round of goblet squats to the tune of Sally Up…  Moment of silence for yet another lost coupon.



  • WildPax – sign up
  • Alzhiemers Walk – sign up
  • Bridge a life 10k/5k
  • 10 Year in Wilmington, NC in January
  • Food drive being hosted by a local church – check with Sniper to make donations.  Taking donations next Friday at Benderson.



  • Sarah – Trane’s wife as she recovers from a car accident
  • Quick Draw
  • Drakes brother in law
  • Lobstaah’s employees that got injured playing pickle ball
  • Ripken’s Father in law
  • Amazon’s continued recovery
  • First responders and military
  • Our Country as a whole