AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 09/17/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Banjo, Clutch, Condenser, Hang 10, Lancelot, Puck, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot

The BackBlast:

It was a nice clear morning.  Low 80’s.  Great morning for a beatdown and F3 Fellowship

This morning’s beatdown concentrated on low impact exercises that concentrated on the upper body and not so hard on the legs or feet. Exercises were done within time intervals, so that form can be focused on.


1.  Are free of charge

2.  Are open to all men

3.  Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold

4.  Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no professional

5.  End with a Circle of Trust


Michael Phelps, Agitators,  Rice Pickers, Leg Stretches, SSH – Mosey

The Thang

  • Each exercise @ 1 minute duration

Group 1

SSH, Jump Squat, Monkey Humpers, Lunges, Parker Peter

Mtn Climbers,  LBC, Ankle Taps, Cockroaches,  Plank

Run a lap


Group 2

Freddie mercuries, Plank, Side Plank, Side Plank, Burpees

Merkins,  Carolina Dry Docks, Shoulder Taps,  Moroccan Night Clubs

Overhead Claps

Run a lap

Group 3

Flutter Kicks, Diamond Merkins,  Sumo Squats, Pickle Pointers

Sit Throughs, Reverse Sit ups, American Hammers,  Side Straddle Hops

Run a lap


Circle of Trust

Namarama was dedicated to our Newly “Respected Brother, Wolverine!, Happy 50th Birthday!


F3 Nation will be starting the Give2Give Drive in October. The Give2Give drive will help The F3 Foundation provide tools, resources, and opportunities to help F3 accelerating their endeavors to serve their communities and to promote the brotherhood of F3 men.   More details can be found on our websites.

Saturday, we will be have a Birthday VQ Beatdown by Wolverine. The Location will be at the main pavilion on Siesta Key beach, as before. Celebrate his Birthday beatdown with 5 Q’s and 5 decades of workouts.


  • Banjo’s Dad for getting out of the Hospital and recovering from various medical issues, including Covid.
  • Snapshot will become a Grandfather again soon


  • Banjo’s dad, as well as Banjo, for having patience as they grow older,
  • Snapshot for his daughter  with their new arrival next month
  • Medical Specialist, law enforcement, teachers, The Military, , first responders, and pax who are  facing challenges within their own lives and watch over our Nation as we move forward in this time of uncertainty


“We short people have a great perspective on life; we are always looking up”

“be 1% better than you were yesterday”

Blessed to be a part of the Brotherhood of F3 Suncoast -Lancelot


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