AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 03/17/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bing, Defib, Enron, Fireball, Goob, Gridlock, Mr. Clean, Pincher, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Gridlock

The BackBlast:

Weather: 64F, 100% humidity, foggy dew everywhere.

Welcome: After a quick few parking lot laps, YHC greeted the pax and introduced the St Paddy beatdown in honor of my late FIL, Tom. Tom, a genuine Irishman, was a master at taking it easy, so today would make him proud as we set out on an easy fellowship pace run.

The Thang: Into the community to do Figure 8’s at an easy pace, except Enron who shot off on his own after about a mile. Mr Clean and Fireball partook of bridge rucking. The running pax engaged in good mumblechatter which included a story about Goob getting smacked-down by a golf cart (What’re you doing??!), flat tires, and moonbows (thank you Mr Clean for the pic). Matter of fact, for the first time ever, YHC and the other pax saw a moonbow in the foggy dew, and didn’t even know it was a real thing. At one point, Pincher took off and ran straight down the middle of said moonbow. It was werewolf in London surreal and sparked chatter about time portals and Back to the Future. Who knew Goob was such a BTTF junky, as he was quick to correct all erroneous pax references to the movie (and there were plenty).

All told, pax got anywhere from 6-10 run miles and some nice bridge work was had by the ruckers. Not a bad way to kick-off St Paddys! ☘️

Announcements: Gator Wilderness 5/10/15K, Wildpax, Sup n Run, St Anthony’s Tri

Prayer Requests / Praises: Shamwow’s Dr appointment, Mr Clean’s daughter’s situation, Defib’s M heading back to work (Defib has lots of triathlon stuff to buy 🤣)

It was fun,


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