AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 06/24/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Cottontail, Enron, Goob, Maui, Mr. Clean, Pincher, Spinal Tap, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Crabcakes

The BackBlast:

74 degrees felt like 79 degrees.  Humidity 88%

On his drive in, YHC noticed Goob crossing the street on his way back to the Fort from Waterlefe and then YHC noticed Spinal Tap descending the bridge on his way out to meet Goob……what is happening at the Fort?  Every week more and more pre-runners……..

0515 YHC reviewed the 5 core principles and started the PAX off on the run for the day.  Today’s run was going to be a simple run…..1 loop warmup together then the PAX could increase their speed or maintain their speed and continue repeating the loop and return to the parking lot by 0605.

It became apparent as we neared the end of the warmup loop that there were a couple of stallions, Goob and Spinal Tap, that were ready to take the reigns off and go after it……not to be out done Enron and Pincher decided to pick up their pace as well.

Rumor has it and Strava verified it that Pincher and Enron laid the smackdown on their 5th mile of the morning……7:40 mile.  Well Done Brothers….well done

Total miles completed for the Pax varied between 4.5 and just over 6 for the beatdown.


Fellowship dinner Ford’s Garage 6/30…register with Pyro

1776 CSAUP 7/3 at AP

July 10th Green Beret Ruck

August Ragnar Trail Race in West Virginia

WildPax in December

Sign up to visit Warren…WWII Veteran……see Pyro


Enron’s son Dylan experience discomfort with his prosthetic.  Prayers for comfort and Dr’s finding a solution during his upcoming appointment

Spinal Tap and Yamaha….prayers for safe travels.

Goob and Crabcakes–Prayers for their families as they travel home on Friday

Goob- Prayers for his MIL and FIL.  MIL in having the strength to care for and make the appropriate decisions while caring for her husband who is suffering from Dementia.

All Injured PAX, First Responders, Police, Firefighters, and Military.

Thanks for coming out to the Fort……


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