AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 01/01/2022


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Bing, Cool-J, Fireball, Pincher, Replay, Ripken, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Usher,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Usher

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Breaking in 2022 without excuses. YHC arrived @05:45 to get some EC run miles and to set up cones on the way for the BD. Cones set every 1/4 mile, till the 1 mile mark which would be the turn around point, totaling 2 miles there and back. Upon arrival back to AP YHC was greeted by an FNG, later named Usher. Ironically Cool-J was also in our presence for his first initial BD appearance. Duet in the making? Special shout out to our DR guest Iggy Peck

7am Core Principles and disclaimer announced. Short mosey from the pavilion to the shell path where we circled up for:

  • 10 SSH
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Strawberry Pickers
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 LBC

Notice the number of reps, this coincides with the number of open Q slots left in January. YHC is proud of you brothers, as only 10 open slots isn’t shabby for the 1st of the month. As promised todays BD every set of rep would consist of the equivalent number of open Q slots.

Thang: We would do 10 Burpees at every cone, running to the next cone. Only 1 rule, even if you finished your 10 Burpees you had to wait for the guy behind you to reach your cone before you could start the run to the next cone. For those of you quick in math you may have figured this out already, for those of us not so quick, 10 Burpees in warm up, 10 at each cone (out and back) equals 100 Burpees. Something seems special about that number…We all ran back to bring in the 6 as we each finished our sets.

Quick water break then YHC announced it was time to “run” again. This time was more a mosey pace trying to keep the PAX together. We stopped along the way to do a few reps of 10, Merkins, Squats, Monkey Humpers. Once we made the pre determined destination, .5 mile, YHC announced it was time to turn around and head back.

There was one goal today, to get all PAX who showed a few 1sts, for the 1st of the year.

  • 1st BD of 2022, DONE
  • 1st day of “MABA” Make America Burpee Again challenge. 100 per day in month of January. Day one, DONE.
  • 1st 5k Run of 2022, DONE


ShamWow and Ripken’s Cousin

Always a Pleasure to be amongst you get HIM, looking forward to another full year! Pincher Out!

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