AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 04/22/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bing, Enron, Goob, Manziel, Pincher, Spinal Tap, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Posh

The BackBlast:

We had 8 at Fort Hamer this morning. 4 of us ran the long 10k loop. The other 4 rucked over Fort Hamer Bridge with 60 pound rucks and and an extra 80 pound bag.

I recently read something to the effect that we learn best from peers who are few months ahead of us. So we won’t improve our golf swings by watching the Masters, and we won’t get a better jump shot by watching the NBA.

But we will get better by getting out of the fart sack for 5.15 and running or rucking with our peers. F3 is peer-led. There’s no coaches and no experts here, but there are leaders.

  • Goob and Snapshot can show how to run faster.
  • Enron can light a fitness path for the younger guys to follow for the next few years.
  • Pincher, Bing, Yamaha and Manziel can make rucking looking fun enough that I thought, “Maybe it’s time to try that rucking crap.”

Cheers to our F3 peers for leading this morning.

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