AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 06/14/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Dasani, Goob, Mrs. Doubtfire, Spartan, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- June in Florida- take a guess

Goob rolled up from a pre-run at 5:13 to grab water and prepare for his Q.  He noticed a downrange guest from San Antonio- Mulch.  He was a welcome addition to the group and provided the minimum number needed to play the game.  At precisely 5:15am on the nose, Goob called the group to order and recited the 5 core priniciples.  He then preceeded with the warmup and mozy.


  • 10 SSH (IC)
  • 10 Windmill (IC)
  • 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Michael Phelps OYO
  • Arm Circles OYO
  • One light jog of the rectangle

The Thang:

As the preface on Slack alluded to, whatever happened in the beating would not be my fault.  The F3 Deck of Pain made his return after an 18 month hiatus only to over-deliver on an already horrible promise of pain, sweat, and more of both.  Goob broke the group into two teams of 3 and sent each to opposite sides of the rectangle.  It was a race to the center to grab a card which would deliver the pain.  If Goob’s team won the race, the number on the card was doubled.  If the other team won, we added 10 to the number of reps.  If a face card was pulled- it was 25 of said exercise.  If an Ace was pulled, it was 100 of said exercise.  All told, we amassed quite the total body beating of merkins, arm circles, dips, lunges, sprints, core work, and other unmentionable horrors, 6 o’clock saved us and no one had a dry stitch of clothing on their body.  It was fun.  But not really.


  • June 18th- family beach day at Coquina Beach post beatdown
  • Wild Pax
  • August 21st mini tri


  • Mrs. Doubtfire
  • Goob’s grandmother and father-in-law battling dementia
  • First responders
  • the country as a whole

Always a pleasure.


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