AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 12/20/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Chilipepper, Kotter, Mrs. Doubtfire, Ripken, Spamalot, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

AirWoof had a 2.0 emergency so I gladly stepped in.  PAX was surprised and with painful facial expressions when they were told I had the Q.  Don’t know why?  Disclaimer was shared and 5 core principles reviewed.  We then proceeded to a Mozy with Nur, Nur Butt Kickers, Nur High Knees.  We then circled up and did 10 IC merkins, 10 IC Strawberry pickers and to top it off, “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas SSH with a burpee on Hippopotamus.


We counted off by 2s creating 2 teams.  Pax would perform rep count, once completed they could help their team.  Once team is complete bear crawl to next parking lot island and perform the second exercise.  Then flip flop.   To make it more interesting 3 burpees every 60 seconds.


Stink B.O.M.B.S.  – Tag Team Circuit

  1. 50 –  Pickle Pointers
  2. 150 – Carolina Dry Docks
  3. 200 – Merkins
  4. 250 – Big Boyz
  5. 300 – Squats


Completed at least 125 burpees!



  1. LWR Town Hall Christmas hosted by Sparkler 20th at 6:00
  2. LWR Main Street Christmas by Grace Community Church
  3. 24th Converge on Echo Chamber 7:00 AM  Family Friendly
  4. Being the AO to U at The Tower during month of January.




Spartan’s friends Flip and Dave.

Travel mercies

Gold watch. Married and Shoulder issues.

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