AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 01/26/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Callahan, FNG, Freon, Ratchet, SnapShot, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Hat Trick - Down Range

QIC: Ratchet

The BackBlast:

This morning’s workout was inspired by “Mercan Ladder” & “A.L.A.R.M.” (Four Corner A.L.A.R.M.). Since I showed up late @Snapshot helped with the mission, our 5 principles, and a warm-up. (PAX recommended BURPEES for tardiness and I agreed) Thanks guys.

Started off at the 1st corner of the medians in the parking lot 12 MERKINS (I did Burpees), then LUNGES to the next. At the 2nd corner 12 LBCs with a RUN(SPRINT) to the next. 3rd corner 12 MERKINS, with a SHOULDER TAP WALK to the next. 4th corner 12 SQUATS with a BEAR CRAWL back to the first corner. Repeated all exercises and dropped repetitions by 1 with each complete cycle of the four corners. Overall good beatdown.

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