AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 01/05/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: BP 20, Condenser, Dasani, Goob, Papa Smurf, Rapino, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Shout out to Wrangler, our down range friend from F3 Kansas City.

Weather- Florida cold

Since no one signed up to Q at NBP this fine gloom, the site Q had to recycle a beat down for the masses.  And since it was cold, and since their was a refusal for anyone to commit, Goob decided to pull out a particularly rough Q with a particularly good reminder as we start 2021.  The message was simple- Love God, Love People.  The beatdown itself, not so much simple.  Their will be soreness for the 9 Pax whom braved the frigid, arctic tundra known as Florida Suncoast this morning.

Once the 5 core principles were stated, the mozy was underway.  During the full parking lot lap, the Pax did high knees, butt kickers, high knee butt kickers, NUR, and carioca in both directions.  Back at the circle, we did SSH IC, Strawberry Pickers IC, Imperial Walkers IC, leg swings using the fence, Michael Phelps OYO, and arm circles OYO.  The call was then made for the Pax to meander to the bottom of the tower.

The Thang-  the message is simple, Love God and Love People.  Back in the early fall of 2020, I was driving around and the song by Danny Gokey came on the radio.  At that particular season in my life, it struck me as an awesome thought and a call to action.  I am not always the best at loving on people.  So in true F3 fashion, I thought I would beat it into my head (and thereby your heads as well) by using the letters and matching it to an exercise.   All exercises were to be performed with 25 reps, except for the “O” which was only 10 reps.  (you will see why momentarily)  The list is as follows:

  • L bc’s
  • O ne legged burpees
  • V ups
  • E xile Merkins
  • G as pumps
  • O ne legged burpees
  • D ips
  • L ow country crabs
  • O ne legged burpees
  • V ups
  • E vander Holyfields
  • P lank Jacks
  • E l Capitan
  • O ne legged burpees
  • P eter Parkers
  • L L Cool J (only 10)
  • E xile Merkins

Both in between loving God and loving people as well as the conclusion, jailbreak was called.  The Pax finished promptly at 6am and counted off.  Chatter was low as people were struggling to fight through the beat down.



  1. Sniper’s clay shoot Jan 30th
  2. Gridlock’s Bridge-A-Life 5K/10K Feb 2oth


  1. 2021
  2. health and well-being to exercise


  1. Jamie and his 2 children (Dasani’s neighbor) whose house burnt down on New Year’s Eve and was a total loss
  2. David, Snapshot’s brother-in-law, as he continues to battle cancer
  3. Ben, Goob’s friend, as he continues his battle with cancer
  4. Injured Pax
  5. First responders


As always, it is an honor, Goob signing off.

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