AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 10/06/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Brutus, Cornhole, Crabcakes, Defib, Goob, Lobstah, Manziel, Mugsy, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

PREP: A long but interesting story.  So there I was earlier in the year, sitting in my lawnchair on my driveway with my grease-stained wifebeater on, draining Natty Lights and shooting my BB gun at the neighbor kids who accidentally kept hitting their whiffle ball onto my property.  As the Natty’s were drained, I tossed them haphazardly over my shoulder back into the garage.  When the 12 pack was gone, I stood up and turned around, and lo and behold, noticed that most of the empty cans found themselves next to an opened bag of concrete mix.  Voila!  The idea for the most unique coupon in F3dom and the “hold my beers” Q was born!  Between taking shots at the punk neighbor kids, I excitedly filled all the empties I could find with concrete mix and water.  Concrete-filled cans ranged from 12 ozs to quarts, which when filled with concrete and dried weighed between approx 2 lbs (12 oz can) and 5 lbs (32 oz can).

WEATHER: meh. 

5:15AM: 5 core principles for the 5 pax attending.  There were 3 extra cars for 4 runners – Cornhole walked from the hoidy toidy “Residences”. All pax grab a pair of concrete filled beer cans and let’s go!  Most grabbed a pair of either 12 or 16 OZ’ers.  YHC grabbed a pair of Elvis Juice pounders from Brew Dog in Canal Winchester OH.  Manziel chose the Miller Lite bottle cans.  BUT – Mugsy manned up big time and grabbed the 32 OZers (one is a PB&J growler from Big Top here in Sarasota).

(Pre beatdown) MESSAGE: The concrete filled cans remain in your hands for the next 45 minutes, no matter the exercise.

WARM UP: Mosey with some nur, side shuffle and arms out interspersed to YHC’s favorite piece of concrete in the world – the (8) “thirsty concrete” parking spots in front of the urgent care NW of W-D. (15) SSH and (10) Windmills gave an indication of the task “at hand” (pun intended) with the cans.  Don’t smash your fingers, and make sure to dent the cans to show the love they have received.  Mosey round 2 to entrance of “Residences” for 10 x 4 count merkins and American Hammers (with a small audience).  Finish mosey back to flag in parking lot.

THE THANG: (4) thangs, and remember, EVERYTHING here is with the cans in hand::
1) BOMBS ladder up and down (Big boys, OH claps, Merkins, Burpees, Squats)  Starting at east side of parking lot, do (7) Big Boys, then run west to next parking lot row, do (7) OH claps, return to start.  Repeat above, then add run to one more parking lot row and do (7) merkins, then back to start with a stop to do the OH claps.  Repeat again, and add the burpees, and finally the Squats – the assigned exercise at every parking lot row each way. 

2) Parking Space Line Squats: Starting at the island closest to the stores, side shuffle facing west toward SR70, stopping at each parking space white line and doing (1) squat.  Continue side shuffle to next stripe, squat, etc, all the way to the end of the parking lot.  After reaching the end of the parking lot, side shuffle (still facing west) back toward the stores and repeat squats at every stripe.  In all about (60) squats with about 3 side shuffles between each squat, and the whole thing took about 4 minutes.

3) 7-11’s: pax moseyed over to the long parking island toward the west side of the parking lot that includes the cart rack.  Standing on the concrete island was the start point, complete 1st exercise, then run to the west 2 parking lot rows over the the westernmost concrete pad to complete the 2nd exercise.  7 each the first time, then 8, then 9, etc.  7-11 exercise sets were:

  1. Merkins and Evander Holyfields
  2. LBCs and Gas Pumps

4) EMOM (50 seconds on, 10 second break): with a few minutes left to kill off the arms, pax did:

  1. Iron cross
  2. OH claps
  3. Moroccan Night Clubs

Final mosey back to the cars doing the “Buschwhacker”

6:00AM and we met up with the runners


Playlist: nope


MESSAGE: Nuthin today.


  • Sir Wallace sponsoring Laps for Life @ Ft Hamer Oct 7
  • Wildpax Dec 2-4 – check Slack and HC / Venmo $100 to Stagecoach. 


  • Goob bestie Ben in midst of cancer treatment / radiation
  • 2.0’s….
  • Crabcakes was kind enough to take us out in prayer.

WRAP-UP/SUMMARY/AAR: Thanks to my guinea pig pax today – there was a partial trial for this with my shieldlock about 3 months ago, but not the full beatdown.  The OH clap EMOM FINALLY got Mugsy – dude’s a BEAST.  I suspect the soreness from the constant stress of the cans will be felt about Friday.  I’ll be looking for some Schlitz Malt Liquor Fohtee’s for Mugsy…

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