AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 02/04/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Bing, Crabcakes, Goob, Pincher, Posh,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: Crisp 37 degrees

YHC picked up Pincher and the first words muttered were, “this is Fing stupid” (edited for publishing sake).  With full expectation to be the only two posting, we were pleasantly surprised to see 3 other non-V Pax join.  Thanks Crabcakes, Posh and Good.

The plan for the day was published the night before.  Segment PR hunting while doing figure 8s.  Big Loop hard, small loop recovery.  As soon as we hit the big loop, the pax went hard.  In total, the pax ran between 6 and 6.6 miles, all got stronger, and all noted not feeling the least bit cold. In fact, YHC had to shed a layer at the fountain.

Today was all about accountability.  The option to fartsack exists, but these 5 men fought the urge and accelerated because of it.  If the clown car plan wasn’t in place, or the Q schedule defined, I am sure the urge would have been stronger.  Thank you Posh, Goob, Pincher and Crabcakes for holding one another accountable and getting after it this morning.  The rest of y’all, this V is for you (see photo).


  • Races each month – get after it
  • Men’s night Friday night
  • SMH serving opportunity – See Mr. Clean and donate
  • GrowRuck – get you some


  • Goob’s brother recovering from appendix surgery
  • Ben and his next steps in treatment
  • Posh’s unspoken prayers
  • Crabcake’s MIL and her recovery from surgery
  • Safe travels for Crabcake’s M
  • For Grandpa Pincher and his continued recovery
  • For YHC’s daughter, praises for her great spirits as of late and finding a passion in creative writing.

It is always an honor to lead this great group of men!

~Bing Out

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