AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 04/13/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Cottontail, Enron, Jimmy Dean, Manziel, Pincher, Ripken, Sniper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Weather 59 an perfect

COT started first as usual at Cycling AO


  • Jimmy Deans friends and ROCK facing forms of illnesses
  • For wisdom in words and approach in situations, so that the best results can come from them.
  • As always for a safe ride

We had 2 groups today Group A, and Group B with some faster pace and some not as fast pace.

Surprise YHC was on Q again…so classic route, for YHC and Group A..out to Fruitville then head back hitting University and Masters as the plan. With a pace goal of 19-21. Leaving room for some faster sprints at the ends of each road, before the turn arounds.

Before we made it to Fruitville Brutus, who was last in the draft btw, found a way to pick up a drywall nail. Not to mention he also has the smallest tires out the whole PAX. Brutus you should definitely play the lotto today! So the route was modified and more school’n was received by the PAX on a tire change roadside. We are getting faster, guess with enough practice that’s the plus side.

Group B planed a different route and went out on their way adventuring around, great to have these riders out and plenty of room to have other joiners.

We had a great Ride, may PAX picked up some new Strava Segment PR’s as the PAX continues to get stronger and faster. Great way to get the Gloom this am, both groups!

Pincher Out


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