AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 04/18/2023


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Beta Max, Condenser, Goob, Kotter, Mr Magoo, Ponzi, SnapShot, Teletubby,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Beta Max

The BackBlast:

We started off with an acknowledgment that this was my first Q so things could not be held again me and the PAX reluctantly agreed. After providing the core principles, mission statement, and disclaimer that I am not a professional we decided to mosey.

The mosey was a short one but we stopped to huddle up for some side straddle hops, strawberry pickers, overhead claps, and monkey humpers. After a short mosey back it was time for the true beatdown to occur.

I think the PAX might’ve thought I was going to take it easy on them being my first time but they quickly learned that wouldn’t be the case. The workout was centered towards a full workout that would consist of the upper body, abs, lower body, and cardiovascular. Each set was followed by a mode of transportation. After the 3 set, the men ran to Target and back and planked as they waited on the other members of the PAX. This was repeated for all 4 sets.

Set 1
50 Merkins
MOT: Bear Crawl
50 LBC’s
MOT: Bear Crawl
50 Squats
Run to Target and Back

Set 2
50 Carolina Dry Docks
MOT: Side Shuffle
50 Mountain Climbers
MOT: Side Shuffle
50 Twinkle Toes
Run to Target and Back

Set 3
50 Widearm Merkins
MOT: Side Shuffle
50 American Hammers
MOT: Side Shuffle
50 Lunges (25 each leg)
Run to Target and Back

Set 4
25 Diamond Merkins
MOT: Knee Highs
50 Big Boy Situps
MOT: Knee Highs
50 Reverse Lunges (each leg)
Run to Target and Back

By the end, there was minimal complaining but the PAX was appreciative of a good workout. That being said I decided to stay on my Q for next Tuesday even after moving up this week’s Q.

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