AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 03/07/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: AirWolf, Chilipepper, Crabcakes, Hacksaw, Lancelot, Manziel, Rapino, SnapShot, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: CrabCakes

The BackBlast:

YHC and Snapshot arrived at 0430 for a little EC.  YHC headed off on a 4 mile pre-run which was cut a mile short because of extreme lower abdominal pressure, AKA a Trump type situation, ….thankfully YHC was able to take advantage of his LA Fitness membership for a pit stop.

Once YHC composed himself and returned to the AO he welcomed the PAX in attendance and started off on a 2 lap mosey which consisted of Nur, ButtKickers, High Knees, Carioca both ways and a short sprints.   After the Mosey the PAX circled up for a quick COP

Strawberry Pickers IC 9

Windmills IC 9

SSH’s IC 9

Michael Phelps OYO 9 high and 9 low

The Thang…..

YHC explained that the concept made sense in his mind but that doesn’t mean it was going to make sense in practice but we gave it a go anyways….

9 Inning Baseball Ladder of Pain

The Ladder of Pain was divided into 9 innings with a top half and a bottom half of the inning.  The concept was that the PAX would complete the exercise and corresponding count for the top 1/2 of the first inning then go for a short run and return to complete the same exercise and count for the bottom 1/2 of the inning then go for a short run and return to complete the previous exercise/count and move to the next top 1/2 of the inning and complete the that exercise and count, go for a run and return to complete the previous exercise for the bottom 1/2 of the inning plus the exercises for the bottom half of this inning, go for a short run and return to move to the top of the 3rd inning and complete the corresponding exercise and count plus the previous 2 exercises count for the top half of innings 1 and 2.

The counts of each exercise corresponded with the number of total outs a team would experience at the end of a given inning…



American Hammers-9

Carolina Drydocks-12

Flutter Kicks-15

Calf Raises-18

Tricep Dips-21

Heel Taps-24


An example…..

Top 1/2 of inning 3 would be 3 Burpees, 6 Merkins, and 9 American Hammers.  PAX goes for a run returns and completes bottom 1/2 of Inning 3. 3 Burpees, 6 Merkins, and 9 American Hammers.  PAX goes for a run returns and completes top 1/2 of Inning 4.  3 Burpees, 6 Merkins, 9 American Hammers and 12 Carolina Drydocks.  PAX goes for a run, returns and completes bottom 1/2 of Inning 4. 3 Burpees, 6 Merkins, 9 American Hammers and 12 Carolina Drydocks.  This pattern continued through Inning 9.  Almost all of the PAX in attendance completed the baseball game and at least 96 Merkins + 54 Burpees if those count for those participating in the March Merkin challenge.



Raider Rise and Run 5k this Saturday 3/12 at Bayside LWR

Gator Wilderness April, 23rd

SUP and Run 5K April 30th

WildPax- November

Ragnar Trail Run December in Florida



Chilipepper and M celebrating 24 years of Marriage today.



Snapshot Sister, Mindy, and her family.  Continuing to deal with the loss of her husband.  Kids are struggling.  Niece is meeting with a counselor.  Praying that they are able to continue to move forward and receive support from the community.

Hacksaw- Former Colleague, Betsy, dealing with cancer and having to have a double mastectomy this week.

Mrs Doubtfire- Continued healing and positive pathology report this week.

Lancelot- Praying for positive outcomes with current health challenges

Recall- 2.0 Jacob is having a surgery this week.


Thanks again for coming out Brothers…..hopefully we do get to see some real baseball this year.

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