AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 03/01/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Airwoulf, Big Mac, Cavallino, Crabcakes, Enron, Goob, Lancelot, Manziel, Posh,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot Manzoni Crabcakes

The BackBlast:

69 ° & humidity of 97%

Impromptu 3 Way

As 5:15 arrives, as well as 8 other pax, except for the Q. Where’s Lancelot?  A short Pre run, however Goob & I ran longer than planned, therefore an arrival of 5:30am “threw a wrench” into gloom.

Without any hesitation, HIM Manziel & Crabcakes stepped up, took the reins & started the work-out in the Chamber. By the time I joined in, the pax were well into the work out.

Basic platform of the impromptu 3 way work out:

A set of exercises on one side of the chamber, mode of transportation to the center, another set of exercises, mode of transportation to the other side of the Chamber w/ another set of exercises waiting for them. Rinse & repeat on the return trip.


Welcome to our downrange Guest, Yogi, from F3 Raleigh, NC. Namorama, March is Mental Awareness Month, Upcoming Raider Race on the 27th & Gator Wilderness Run in April. F3 Suncoast serving dinner for SMH Staff on Friday about 6pm. GrowRuck 18 in May.


Sir Wallace, Jack Rabbit, Enron’s Son, Crab Cakes friends Mason, Pax who are facing their own battles, Mentally or Physically,

To all educators, medical staff, First Responders, Law Enforcement, Farmers, Leaders, Military, and this Nation!

“The only thing more exhausting than having a mental illness is pretending like you don’t.” —Unknown

Blessed and Honored – Lancelot

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