AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 11/22/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Brutus, Bubbles, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Radar, Spartan, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

PREP:  Very little – gettin’ better at this now….

WEATHER: 66F and humid.  

5:15AM: 5 core F3 principles and credo were quickly recited.  Happy to see Puddin’ – getting to be a regular DR from NC.

MESSAGE: It’s Thanksgiving week.  What are you thankful for?  Dig deep for this one – not just the usual family, friends, F3, etc.  How about some other stuff?  My boss can be a weenie, but he pushes me professionally like I’ve never been pushed and I’m thankful for that – I need that challenge.  What can we do to express our appreciation for our thankfulness?  How can we make sure others know how thankful we are?  How can we convert others to being more thankful about what they DO have, rather than complaining about what they DON’T have?

WARM UP:  A short half parking lot mosey with arms up, nur, butt kickers.  Back to start point.  1st exercise SSH with a twist: Joe Satriani’s song “Crowd Chant” just won’t leave YHC’s head.  It’s got a cool beat which aligns well with the cadence of SSH’s.  So – 3 minutes and 10 seconds of SSH to this song staying in rhythm.  Then some Michael Phelps, agitators, strawberry pickers and leg stretches.

THE THANG: We then stepped up to the buffet table of activities for this smorgasbord.

  1. 7-11’s – Run over to the most interesting piece of concrete (?) in Manatee County at the Urgent Care parking lot for some 7-11’s.  Kinda like 7’s or 11’s with a twist; 7 of each of 2 exercises with a l’il mode of transport in between (usually run) the exercise locations.  Only about 75 feet apart.  7 each, then 8 each, then 9 each, etc. through 11.
    1. 1st set arms = merkins and dips (on the curb)
    2. 2nd set core = Imperial Walkers and Big Boys.

Mosey back though the condos and down the “main street” back to starting point.

  1. STRIPES – starting at the store side of the parking lot and moving south down the lane to the end of the parking lot, mode to each parking spot stripe (or every xx stripe as instructed) and perform exercise.  Green “islands” don’t count.  When pax get to the end of the lot, move over one lane west, then repeat the mode and exercise moving back toward the storefronts.
    1. EVERY STRIPE – mode = side shuffle, exercise = (1) squat.
    2. EVERY OTHER STRIPE: mode = run, exercise = (2) merkin
    3. EVERY THIRD STRIPE: mode = run, exercise = (3) Big Boy Sit ups

About 4 minutes left…

  1. EMOM – Every Minute On the Minute ALL YOU GOT each exercise (50 seconds ON, 10 seconds OFF)
    1. Carolina Dry Docks
    2. LBC’s
    3. Squats
    4. Burpees

SUMMARY: Didn’t seem like too many pax appreciated 3+ minutes of SSH in cadence with Crowd Chant, but we’ll do it again, and eventually everyone will make it through.  Continuous improvement.  This is no worse than running….

ALSO – 8 of 12 pax @ 50+ RESPECT!!!  Where be the young guys??


  • WildPax Dec 2-4. Admission closed!  We’ll tell ya all about it when it’s over (FOMO).
  • Gobbler Challenge @ Univ Corner Thursday Nov 25 Thanksgiving Day 5:15AM
  • Canned / dry food donations being collected at all AO’s this week.  At the Gobbler Challenge, Chilipepper and Stagecoach will do one burpee for each can donated.
  • Christmas Glow Run 5K with Cat5 Saturday Dec 18 6PM NBP


  • Light on the prayers today…
  • Family traveling
  • 2.0’s
  • Puddin’ attended convergence in Race City NC for Chicken Little, who took his own life last week.  144 HIMs attended and talked about solutions for keeping this BS from continuing to happen.
  • YHC took us out with a prayer.

WRAP-UP: Let’s be THANKFUL for what we have – it’s a LOT!

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