AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 11/30/2021


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bubbles, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Crabcakes, Goob, Papa Smurf, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mrs. Doubtfire

The BackBlast:

4 Corners but not the Dean Smith type

It was a crisp, brisk Monday morning that started with 5 core principals and then a nice mosey, a quick stop for a progressive 7 to 11 – SSH on one side of the curb a run to the other and then Squats starting with 7 and progressing to 11. Mosey back to circle up for some strawberry pickers and Michael Phelps

Now the 4 corners – suited cards at each corner 5 thru Ace (left out 2-4 to make it hurt) – flip a card and find out your reps

Corner 1 – Merkins, Overhead Clap, Group Choice

Corner 2 – LBC, Group Choice, Freddy Mercury

Corner 3 – Group choice, Bicep Curls (thank you to Sir Wallace for the Coupons), Dips

Corner 4 – Bobby Hurleys, Group Choice, Carolina Dry Docks

Additionally – Group choice was something I added so as to allow members to do a favorite exercise, mode of transport between corners was anything but a simple jog (bear crawl, high knees, lungs etc) AND 2 of the 4 corners had Jokers in the pile and if picked up the team would have 10 burpies

Announcements –

Wild pax

Salvation Army and Cat 5 run

Praise and Prayers

Airwolf buddy Cudshot (I hope I got that right) in Cleveland and family

Crabcakes and his M

Stagcoachs’ friend Jay dealing with pneumonia along with cancer

Thank you for the honor of leading all of you

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