AO: The Tower - Saturday

When: 03/05/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Abacus, Mr. Clean, Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap, Tugboat,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Tugboat, Mr Clean, Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap, Abacus

QIC: Mr Clean

The BackBlast:

It was a great March Florida morning with low humidity, gentle breeze and what turned out to be an awesome sunrise.

Quick disclaimer as there were no FNG’s… We headed off with the Mosy around the parking lot doing some butt kickers, high knees and side shuffles while heading over to the dry retention pond where we would be spending the next hour.

We circled up for 10 SSH’s, Strawberry Pickers and Imperial Walkers.


The THANG was going to consist of 4 stations that had 4 exercises in each station with a station in the middle of the X.

Station 1 = Merkins, Shoulder Taps, CDD and Plank Jacks

Station 2 = Lunges, Side Lunges, Freddy Mercuries and Jump Squats

Station 3 = American Hammers, Flutters, Butterfly Sit Ups and LBC’s

Station 4 = Imp Walkers, Toy Soldiers, SSH’s and Moroccan NC’s

We all started in the center of the X and headed to station 1 where you would choose one of the exercises and do 25 reps. Then it was off to each of the next 3 station again choosing an exercise and doing 25 reps… BUT every time you passed thru the center of the X you had to stop and do 5 burpees. You did the loop 4 times doing each of the exercises at each of the stations.

Once that fun was done it was time to hang out with Dora doing the following exercises while your partner ran from on side of the retention pond to the other side.

50 Burpees

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 OHC

We still have some time left so we did a moving round of Mary as we ran to each corner picking up all the corner and each PAX member choosing an exercise to do 20 REPS in each corner.


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