AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 03/07/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Beta Max, Goob, Manning, SnapShot, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

We had a down ranger!  Welcome to Stage Fright from St. Louis.


Their was no Q today and as Snapshot warned on the slack channel, if no one stepped up, inevitably Goob would lead some horrid running Q.  Whether the warning scared PAX away or peaked curiosity, 5 brave souls gathered around Bad Clown only to be greeted with NO Q.  Goob was nowhere to be found.  Had the PAX dodged a bullet? Quickly, Snapshot being the HIM he is, collected the PAX and took off for a mozy.  At exactly 5:16:24, Goob rolled back from his warm up run to see no one around but noticed a handful of familiar vehicles.  He collected his thoughts, prepared his Q, and went to find the mozying PAX.  Goob collected them just in time to thank Snapshot for warming everyone up for the beating that was about to be bestowed upon all in attendance.

The Thang-

At westside of the well manicured lawn lay a pile of the infamous F3 workout cards.  This deck was stacked though:  ONLY CHEST AND CORE.  The card would be flipped and all would perform 25 of the prescribed activity.  Once complete, run to Chipotle as fast as you could and back (which is roughly 1/2 of a mile roundtrip).  Flip the next card and repeat until 6.

  • 25 lil’ baby crunches
  • 25 diamond merkins
  • 25 Chuck Norris merkins
  • 25 wide-arm merkins
  • 25 merkins
  • 25 Freddie Mercury
  • 25 high, slow flutter kicks (count each leg)
  • 25 hello Dolly (count each leg)
  • 25 shoulder tap (count each arm)

Two outcomes:

A) It was terrible.  No one had fun.

B) It was sweat-filled and lots of gasping for air

C) It was awesome.  Everyone loved it.

D) B & C


All told, PAX ran between 2.5 to 3.9 miles and performed 125 core exercises and 100 merkins.  Everyone crushed it.  Thanks for playing.


  • Gator Wilderness Run
  • Mysterio April 29
  • Sup-N-Run May 6th


  • BetaMax family- praises the wreck on Friday wasn’t worse AND outcome of insurances vehicle appraisal was a blessing

Always an honor.

Big thanks again to Snapshot for leading the warmup/mozy in my tardiness.


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