AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 10/08/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: AirWolf, Big Mac, Cottontail, Lobstah, Pork Roll, Sea Duty, SnapShot, Spartan, Yo Yo Ma,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

Today we paid tribute to our brother from Jacksonville, Jeff McCrea – Heisenberg.

After the 5 core principles and disclaimer were given we took a short mosey towards the dog park. Halfway there we stopped for some SSH, Windmills, and Morracan Night Clubs. We then turned and headed to the basketball court.

A – Al Gore Hold 1 Minute
B – Box Cutters 15
C – Carolina Drydocks  20
D – Diamond Merkins 10
E – Dying Cockroaches 20
F – Freddie Mercury’s  20
G – Gorilla Humpers 20
H – Heals to Heaven 20
I – Imperial Walkers 20
J – Jump Ups, Bobby Hurleys 15
K – Knuckle Merkins 15
L – LBC’s 30
M – Mountain Climbers 20
N – North American Hammers 25
O – Overhead Claps 30
P – Plank Jack 20
Q – Flutter Kicks 20
R – Russian Twist 20 **
S – Strawberry Pickers 20
T – Toy Soldiers each leg 20
U – Burpees 10
V – Shoulder Taps ea arm 10
W – Windmills 20
X – Moroccan Nightclubs 30
Y – Monkey Humpers 15
Z – Side Straddle Hops 30

**Russian Twists – American Hammers from squat position

Do the exercise for each letter that spells Heisenberg’s name.

After each part of his name, we ran  to the dog fence and back.

2nd F at Pablonos Wed. Night
Oct 16 Sunday Laps for Life
Oct 29 Alzheimer’s Walk
Oct 29 Manasota Buddy Walk
Both are the same day, but different times and locations.

Heisenberg and his family and PAX
Victims of Hurricane Ian

Recovery workers for Hurricane Ian
All PAX that could get out of bed this morning.
Although many of us may not have known Heisenberg,  we honor him, his family and his PAX.  May God bless you all.

SnapShot 📸

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