AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 09/23/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Condenser, Dasani, Lancelot, Puck, Rapino, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Condenser

The BackBlast:

Yeah, it was muggy and thus Sweaty
Yeah, there were plenty of mosquitos that we were Swatting
Yeah, we did some Butt stuff…

Muggy and calm for a Condenser led beatdown. Puck pulled in just in time on his crotch-rocket to make the pax an even 6, which was ideal because we had 6 lovely coupons between us all. A total of 5 rucks and a 50lb sandbag lay across the blacktop calling our names – but first, a little warmup…

Short mosey, then circled up for the usual SSH, IW, SPs, BBC’s (big-boy-crunches, where elbows and heels hit each time) and some stretching. A mosey back to start where the coupons awaited – but first, a little warmup game…

Divided into pairs for a quick warmup contest. One pax would plank or do merkins whilst his partner ran a loop with four route options. The four routes to choose were progressively longer. Each route, with the exception of the longest route, had a stoplight (green or red playing card) placed along the route. The fourth, yet longest route, is the free-way with no stoplight. If the playing card along the route was red, you had to perform an exercise before progressing. The light randomly changed by means that each pax would carry out a new card from the starting position each time and exchange it for the card already on the route. The shortest route had a 20 reps of squats for a red light, the second loop 10 reps, and the third loop 5 reps. Raced to see which team would first complete 4 loops, each pax. Dasani and Puck won by cheating (which, by that, YHC means younger and in much better condition)…

Bugs were too alive and thick to continue the game as planned with rucks, so we loaded up the rucks and got the h-e-double-hockey-sticks outa there. 6 pax, 5 rucks, 1 sandbag left camp and headed west. The lead pax carried the 50lb ruck in front and set pace. Puck started us off and realized we were all hosed as he pulled away running with the sandbag, setting a precedent for those to follow. At unknown and ad-libbed intervals the lead pax with sandbag would turn around and head back trading out sandbag for ruck with the next pax. A total of nearly 2 miles was achieved.

All in all it was a good workout and we pushed further and harder than I thought we would. There is something incredible and motivating about bearing a burden and feeling the support of brothers behind you. Prayers for 2.0’s, Family losses, Injuries. Good Stuff. Condenser, out.


… oh yeah the Butt Stuff. well sometimes its better that WHITGSITG.

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