AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 02/01/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: AirWolf, Cavallino, Crabcakes, Goob, Manziel, Posh, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Goob rolled up this morning to Cavalino planking on a picnic table and a Trump siting and in the words of Ice Cube, he knew today was going to be a good day.  The weather was warmish and the wind was blustery.  Nonetheless, the torrential monsoon that woke us all up between the hours of 2 and 3am was long gone.  Left in its wake, a very wet ground.  Regardless of where you looked down which was quite visible compliments of a giant moon unimpeded by clouds, there were puddles of water.  Fortunately for all the brave Pax that emerged today, Goob had planned for the monsoon and designed a Pavilion workout.  Since the rain was gone, a slight adjustment was made on the fly.

At precisely 5:15am with Trump still in the Oval office, Goob recited the 5 core principles and commanded the mozy begin.  Two full laps around the parking lot to include NUR, butt kickers, high knees, and carioca in each direction.  We then circled up for the following warm up:

  • 10 SSH (IC)
  • 10 Strawberry Pickers (IC)
  • leg stretching
  • 10 Agitators (OYO)
  • 10 Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • Arm circles forward balancing on one leg, arm circles backward balancing on the other leg

Now that everyone had proven their lack of balance at 5:20am on a Monday morning and with Trump’s emergence from the office, we headed back to the Pavilion to carefully select a picnic table.  The gist of the beatdown was simple-  4 exercises, 25 reps each, and then a speed bump run with an exercise at each bump.  The beauty of it- everyone stays nice and dry while ensuring their hands stayed baby soft smooth.

The Thang:

  • 25 merkins
  • 25 LBC’s
  • 25 Step Ups (on the bench counting one leg)
  • 25 Get ups

*Speed bump run with 5 burpees at every bump for a total of 25.  Run with pace back down the drive to the pavilion.  Yes, I know it’s not MABA any longer but to bad.

*Plank for the 6

  • 25  decline merkins
  • 25 imperial walkers (counting 1 leg)
  • 25 salsa dips
  • 25 Get ups

*Speed bump run with 5 burpees at each bump; run with pace back and plank for the 6

  • 25 incline merkins
  • 25 plank jacks
  • 25 Apollo Ono’s
  • 25 Get ups

*Just run to the 5th speed bump and back*

Upon our return, it was 6:01:33 and time to count off.  Breath was heavy, chatter was low, and 311 was on the phone per special request of Crabcakes.


  1. Feb 20th- Bridge-A-Life run
  2. March 27th- Raider rise-n-run
  3. Gator wilderness run (unsure of exact day in April)
  4. Sup n’ Run (first weekend of May)
  5. Fundraiser for SMH staff luncheon (see Mr. Clean)


  1. Trump’s return post Covid and that his wife and daughter did not contract the virus
  2. Bubbles, Ace, and whomever else is fighting Covid
  3. Crabcakes mother-in-law back surgery this morning
  4. Trump’s business transition
  5. The country as it continues to transition under new leadership.  For unity and kindness to prevail.

I hope that was the suckiest part of your day for those who joined me in the gloom.  As always, it was an honor.



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