AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 12/05/2020


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Olympus, Pyro, Sir Wallace, SnapShot, Spackler, Spinal Tap, Stagecoach, Tugboat,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spinal Tap

The BackBlast:

So we got things kicked off with a little mosey around the parking lot including some high knees, butt kickers and what have you.  We then circled up for an echo chamber beatdown.  Warmed up with some cossack stretching, strawberry pickers, arm circles and whatnot.  For the beatdown I had this brilliant idea where we are all doing an easier exercise while one person does a harder exercise while we all count down from 50.  Then the next person does the harder exercise while we count down from 50 so on and so forth.  There ended up being two problems with this, first I was only expecting 4 or 5 guys because of the wild pax going on but with 9 of us it there it turned into about 500 reps of every exercise, and even Olympus was grumbling a little which I will take great pride in.  Second I overestimated our ability to count down from 50, this turned into more of an exercise of the mind than the body.  This was supposed to be half the workout but ended up just being the whole thing, you will have to wait for my jump rope suicides with alternating forms of transportation for my next Q.  We got in a round of Mary at the end and finished with our circle of trust.  On that note keep in our prayers friends and family that are dealing with health issues and may we be a source of strength for those around us that need it most.

The Thang:

Side Straddle Hops w/ alternating Balls to the Wall

LBCs w/ alternating Single leg Squats

Shoulder Touches (standing, not the one you’re thinking of) w/ Peter Parkers

Wall Squat w/ alternating Carolina Dry Docks

Sid to Side Planks w/ alternating Inch Worms

(picture wouldn’t load even though its a JPEG…….I hate computers)

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