AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 06/20/2023


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Bernie, Beta Max, Big Mac, BP 20, Fireball, Gold watch, Groot, Manning, Mr Magoo, Mrs. Doubtfire, Mugsy, Sir Wallace, SnapShot, Usher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: 0

QIC: Beta Max

The BackBlast:

As we met on the grassy area in the gloom there was a slight breeze in the air. There was optimism that the breeze would cool things off some (as much as it can for a Florida summer. That wouldn’t be the case as the beatdown ensued.

The Start:

The disclaimer was shared, the mission statement was given, core principles were stated for the group, and the credo was red. We then took a little mosey. The mosey wasn’t long but we did stop around the halfway point for some side straddle hops, strawberry pickers, monkey humpers, and some Michael Phelps. We then moseyed on back to the grassy area. I noticed that the PAX did an amazing job today and going back and picking up the six. Great job to the men who did so, very proud.

The Thang

Today’s exercise was titled the reverse pyramid. There were cones set up at the 4 corners of the workout area and each cone had 2 exercises. Each PAX would complete 5 rounds of the exercises w/ a mode of transportation for each round.

Round 1 – 50 of each exercise, at each station

Round 2 – 40

Round 3 -30

Round 4 – 20

Round 5 – 10

This would give you a total of 800 reps. If you finished the reward was going into the middle and performing 25 burpees.


Station 1: Merkins and Big Boy Situps

Station 2: Tricep Dips and Twinkle Toes

Station 3: Carolina Dry Docks and LBCs

Station 4: Squats and Freddy Mercury’s

Mode of Transporation:

Round 1: Toy Soldiers

Round 2: Side Shuffle

Round 3: Bear Crawl

Round 4: Michael Phelps

Round 5: High Knees


Overall there was a little complaining which means I did my job and challenged the group. All kidding aside, I think the PAX enjoyed the workout and felt it challenged them not just physically, but mentally as well. I appreciate the PAX allowing be to try this workout with them and this will allow me to make some modifications.


F3 Dinner 6.20.23 at Ed’s Tavern

Patriot Games 7.4.23

F3 Family Beach Day 7.15.23

Bad Clown Shirt order deadline 6.27.23 (13 shirts ordered as of this time)

Coffee at Wawa after all Bad Clown beatdowns


Trane’s mother

Musgy’s Uncle Norman

A Little Extra:

Came across this rule for running recently, but think it pertains to F3 Workouts as well. It’s called “The Rule of Third When Chasing a Goal” in fitness. When you are chasing a fitness goal, you’re supposed to feel great a third of the time, okay a third of the time, and crappy a third of the time. You should roughly be in this ratio. If you are not you are either challenging yourself too hard (this is where you usually get hurt) or, most times, not challenging yourself enough. We should always be challenging ourselves to improve our fitness to live longer and fuller lives.

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