AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 03/22/2022


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Crabcakes, Enron, Fireball, Olympus, Pincher, Ripken, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

Pre-blast: take your DRP

PREP: nuthin’


Several pax had already completed an EC 20 or thereabouts. Fireball showing off the new ride again. Great to have Bing out again. A good crowd at 9 total. 


Glory Days F3 dinner Thursday 24-MAR

Bayside Mens Night Friday 25-MAR

Gator Wilderness run April 23

SUP n Run April 30

CSAUP May 14

F3 Suncoast Beach Day June 18


Crabcakes MIL valve replacement surgery

Enron’s M Health decisions upcoming

People of Ukraine bravely defending their God-given freedom against the evil incarnate

THE THANG: Take the DRP / the MATRIX

EC riders: Trump and Crabcakes had completed their 20 miles by 6 a.m. so they went home after COT.  Kudos for several PR’s on masters. Certainly the wind out of the east helped but the times and speeds are very impressive even with a tailwind.

Today the cycling pax would return to The Matrix. After a very leisurely start, the pace picked up south on Lorraine and west on hidden River. Ripken and Olympus turned around to go home at the west end of hidden River leaving YHC, Pincher, Bing, Enron and fireball. South on Lakewood Ranch and left into the country club.

The plan was 2 circuits of the 4.75 mile country club loop segment. The first was to be somewhat leisurely since Enron Bing and pincher had not been on this route before. And the second loop would be a little quicker.

The plan was perfectly executed. Average speed on Loop one was 20.6 mph and the second Loop @ 21.5 mph. Enron And Pincher were just a little faster on the second loop, as YHC lost the draft with Fireball and Bing in tow. 

Kudos to Bing with fireball assistance. Bing fell off the pace Just a little on loop two and YHC believes fireball went back to pick him up and even with Pincher pulling the two caught up with the main group.  Great effort Bing. Wait to pick up the six fireball.

The speed limit sign flashed 28 mph (Pincher 🙄) on the way out on Balmoral Woods on the CC Post Loop Sprint segment. Back north on LWR right onto Hidden River. YHC turned around before the first median to head home but not before leaving the rest of the pax in Pinchers good hands to return to Wawa. 

Post ride, heart rate tracking on Strava was compared between Pincher Bing and YHC.  Trying to figure that out with differences being age, RHR, max HR and fitness levels. Pincher max power meter reading showed an otherworldly 1,006W. Clearly, pincher had entered into and returned from the Matrix at some point during the ride. 

SUMMARY: Great work today by both the EC pax and the 6 AM’ers. YHC ❤️ this route!  Almost no traffic today.  There’s more to do in the Matrix, and F3 cyclists will do it!

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