AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 02/09/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: BackDraft, Bing, Cottontail, Dogo, I Spy, Manziel, Pincher, Ripken, Sniper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Weather: Foggy Damp Gloom, but not freezing

I-Spy was in the need of some lights and was going to miss the last chance, before he moves, to ride with F3 Suncoast. YHC couldn’t let him miss one last ride and voluntold him I had a set he could use.

Backdraft actually made it out this gloom for the first time. He had a few last min lessons on the time cycling AO’s take to prepare, check tire pressure, get bike loaded up, all gear on etc and ran a few min late. Both Manziel and Sniper were kind enough to hang back and wait for him to make the late arrival. Keep at it Backdraft, put the work in and you will reap the rewards.

The rest of the PAX launched at the normal time, just after Name a Rama. It was an old fashion cat and mouse, as we had a few spunky riders, maybe invoked by YHC…

I must say this was one of the most fun F3 rides I’ve been on in a while, speed and a great showing! We obviously are too acclimated to Florida warmth, and find the cold mornings out of a saddle instead of in one.

Ripken, I-Spy, and YHC made it back to Wawa and finished with a COT, prayers for I-Spy/family their success and a safe trip.

Ripken and YHC noticed Snipers truck was still in the parking spot so we hung out a little longer to great both Sniper and Backdraft as the rolled in a few minutes later.

Pincher out!

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