When: 10/25/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Mugsy, Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

Cooler temperatures awaited the cast of regulars this morning at a workout that lived up to the pre-blast.  Running and burpees.

As everyone knows, YHC LOVES excessive running and burpees.  I mean LOVE them.  Ok, that may be a slight overstatement.  I actually somewhat enjoy running, albeit slowly….But Burpees….blah.

So why do them?  Because F3 is about pushing beyond our limits.  How do you get better at running?  By running with faster guys.  And I guarantee you that unless you actually do burpees, you will not be better at them.  With that in mind, it was time to get started.


Mission Statement – done.

5 Core Principles.

1st core principle – do 1 burpee

2nd core principle – do 2 burpees

3rd core principle – do 3 burpees

4th core principle – do 4 burpees

5th core principle – do 5 burpees


Mosey lap around the parking lot to set the “route”


IST, SSH, strawberry pickers, jack reachers – all x 10, all IC




Set timer for 15 minutes.

At the start, perform 1 burpee, then run lap (see above).

then 2 burpees, run lap

continue this pattern until 15 minutes are done.

All pax finished at least 6 laps, most with higher results.


Mosey lap setting a slightly shorter lap route.

To covered area, and grab some bench

20 Erkins

20 Dips

20 Derkins

20 Step ups


Then run lap

Repeato  until time is called (about 20 minutes)


Time for about 2 minutes of Mary – LBCs x 10 IC and then Body Destroyers





Tclaps to these guys for coming out today!

War Baby – Spinal Tap

War Daddy – YHC

This one melted the calories – almost 800 burned for YHC

Mileage was just under 2 miles


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Wild Pax

Prayers for Mugsy as he works out his various joint ailments

YHC took us out and then Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap and YHC enjoyed coffee!


Have a great day


Thanks for the opportunity Blade Runner!


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