AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 11/08/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bing, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Lobstah, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Stagecoach, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: 51 and glorious

Praises to Sir Wallace, Chili Pepper and Stagecoach for getting in a pre-run.

Welcome to Ranger Danger – downrange from F3 Katy.

5:14 rang and the disclaimer was shared along with the 5 Core Principles, and we were off for a mosi around the parking lot that included side shuffles x2, high knees, nur and toy soldiers, ending in a COP:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Plank Series
  • Alabama Ass kickers x10 IC
  • Shoulder Taps x10 IC
  • LBCs x10 IC
  • Pickle Pointers X10 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x10 IC

It was time for the Thang.  With a quick mosi over to the start of the parking lane, it was declared that we were going to combine some Bone The Fish with ATMs.  Bone the Fish until reaching the first island and then execute an ATM all together.  ATM included 15x 4-count Alternating Shoulder Taps/10x Tempo Merkins/10x Merkins.  Rinse and Repeat to the next island followed by a final Bone The Fish to the end, in which most folks were fearing a third round of ATMs but were surprised when YHC took off towards the Regions Bank – was it time to hit the real ATM?

Next on the weinke – Partner Up – Partner 1 does Ball To The Wall while Partner 2 runs a lap around the bank – don’t leave your partner hanging (literally) too long!  Flip flop until each partner does 4 rounds.  Round 2 was Captains Chair (wall squat) while partner 2 runs a lap.  Round 3 continued with Captains Chair while partner runs across the parking lot for 10x Sumo Squats.  We had an Elvis sighting…well, it was Ranger Danger who had to abandon his partner for an emergency run to Panera Bread…apparently BTTW caused gravity issues and caused nature to call?

After a short mosi back to the Winn Dixie Land parking lot, it was time to introduce the Apple Turnover.  Starting at the island, Bear Crawl 3 parking spots then flip over to Crab Walk 3 more parking spots.  Continue until designated stopping point (Cavallino’s car).  A return trip was made, but only after we mosied over to the side walk for our soft and gentle hands.

With only 10 minutes remaining, it was time for a round of 11.  Exercises including LBCs and Plank Jacks.

COT included learning about our 6 today – but we invited our DR guest into the circle to share about who he is, where he comes from, how he got his F3 name and finally what F3 means to him.  Ranger Danger shared a great testimony about the value of the relationships F3 provides.


  • Upcoming charity events including Canned Food Drive – Thanksgiving Week and The Salvation Army Christmas Gathering
  • Wild Pax Camp outing
  • Thank you to those who have contributed to the F3 Foundation Give 2 Give


  • Chili Peppers 2.0s
  • Praises to Bing’s 2.0 for her first college acceptance letter and praises to his M for all the hard work she has done as a Homeschool Mom
  • Prayers for Jay and his starting of treatment for lung cancer
  • Prayers for Trump and his family with guests coming to town

YHC encouraged the pax to check out the F3 Exicon and find something new that haven’t introduced…today was fun trying different exercises, and clearly I didn’t get too far past the A’s!!

Always an honor to lead such a great group of men!

~Bing out

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