AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 11/24/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bubbles, Posh, Ripken, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

Five Pax assembled in the chilly gloom for the Five Core Principles the day before Thanksgiving:

5 core principles/Disclaimer

– high knees/ butt kickers
– karaoke (switch)
– nur
– toy soldiers
– 10 burpees OYO

– 100 merkins
– 200 flutter kicks
– 300 squats

7s drill
– burpees and big boy situps (MOT: run two parking lanes over; same back)

Core samples:
1 Set
– 20 Peter Parkers IC
– 20 long swimmers IC
– 20 windshield wipers IC (10 each direction)
– 20 rock pushers IC
– 20 4-count penguins IC
MoM (Ab-inators – Ripken; Moroccan Night Clubs – Trump)

CoT:  TAPs go out to Cudchewer from the F3 Cleveland (just launched a new spinoff region called F3 Westshore) on the unexpected passing of his M, Jessica, yesterday morning.  Prayers also for his three girls.  I will be trying to determine what can be contributed for for anyone who feels led.  This is going to be tough as Cud lost his mom in the past two years and the girls are all old enough to know their mother is gone (grades 5, 3, and K I think this year).  He does have Jessica’s parents in the area and his dad is also fairly close.  His church will help some too, but there’s going to be a huge adjustment.  Thanks for your prayers towards Jessica’s recovery, but I respectfully ask for continued prayers in this new season of grief and adjustment for Cud and his daughters, and the extended family.

TAPs for Carrie who Ripken knows and is battling mightily with cancer and is a woman of faith; also for Jamie (sp?) who works with Trump and is fighting breast cancer.  Prayers for Bubbles’ mom who is flying today and is not a fan of being up in the air that she’d have safe/smooth travels as well as his nephew AJ, who has a scratched cornea, that he would heal quickly and be as comfortable as that can be for a child.  Last, but not least for Ripken’s son who’s home from college that he would heed wisdom and that the words be provided to guide him.

If you’re going to WildPax, please help complete the SIGN-UP list here to contribute to what is expected to be an awesome gathering (I’m part of the problem at the moment, but I’ll be getting in there).  BRING FOOD ITEMS THIS WEEK TO CONTRIBUTE!  I want to encourage each of you to consider attending something on Thanksgiving morning — be thankful for the health we have and don’t take it for granted.  May you all have a blessed gathering wherever that might be.  (If anyone needs a place to gather, Trump and BigMac have said they plenty of food for last-minute takers, so don’t go it alone)



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