AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 12/01/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Condenser, Flaco, Mr Magoo, Ripken, SnapShot, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ripken

The BackBlast:

Inline with the 30/30 workout for the Bee Hive, Ripken announced a question to ponder earlier in the week, “How do you gracious give to your kids, but not spoil them?”

The weather was brisk for Florida, balmy for Fargo.  We stated the 5CP and mozied accordingly.  After 5 warmup exercises, we started what was left of our 30 minutes.

In the middle of our circle was the F3 Dodecahedron from Hell (DfH).  It was surrounded by two concentric circles about 2 feet in apart.  If you rolled the DfH in the big circle, you were a GIVER of the exercises.  If you missed the circle, you RECEIVED the exercises.  If you got it in the inner circle, you gave DOUBLE exercises to your pax.

While the exercises were being done, the remaining pax did SSH and jeered the others.  The second time around we did Merkins when not doing the exercises just to make Sir Wallace proud.  Then we ran a lap.

This whole sequence was repeated with some creative attempts by Condenser to hit the inner circle, but to no avail.

Announcements: Salvation Army Christmas Party on 12/14.  Donations to @Steve Martin-Ripken via Venmo.

Prayers for Ripken’s M, Spartan’s friend Flip, Snapshots sister, 1st responders and military.

We adjourned to Racetrack to continue the discussion about giving/receiving.  Idea: take some time to meditate on why you fell in love with your M.  Use that as the impetus to find her the perfect gift this Christmas.

Ripken out!


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