AO: Bad Clown - TuesdayBlazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 09/08/2020


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Brutus, Clutch, Cottontail, I Spy, Lancelot, Pincher, Pudge, Sniper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Dark as usual for this time of year. Weather was good as the early gloom seems to be more bearable lately.

We did the usual count off prior to the start, knowing not everyone finishes the same time. YHC called the route, “Let’s do the usual F3 WaWa Cycling Loop” this is a loop on Strava that YHC made when Ripken first offered to be my cycling brother a few years back. (Extremely Grateful Brother!)

The pace seemed to start of quick, not really intended but there was a group that followed, so we stuck with it. We made it to Fruitville then back to University, this is were the route got mixed as we should of turned right, but instead we went straight and turned on Masters instead.  That didn’t slow down the pace at all though, as we finished just over 21 mph pace for the length on the ride. Now Masters seems to be a the new liked road so YHC will make a F3 WaWa Cycling Loop 2.0, in Strava. Challenge on PAX.


Pincher Out


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