AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 12/21/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Condenser, Goob, Papa Smurf, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- Florida in December, thereby 67 degrees, muggy, and intermittent pouring rain.  Wait.  What?

YHC slept through his alarm but was miraculously awaken at 4:57, jumped out of bed, dressed, and managed to make it all the way to NBP by 5:13.  As he rolled in on two wheels, he could see two brave souls standing in the parking lot, arms folded, rubbing the opposite arm trying to warm up the body, and sleepy eyes peering at YHC.  At 5:14:38, Condenser drove up at approximately 67mph to ensure a timely arrival.  Seeing that this was it, Goob provided the 5 core principles, a disclaimer, and the four PAX bravely set off into the Florida cold.  The mosey was .75-mile jog of a winding path to the base/overhang of the tower.  Seeing that the weather could change at any moment from chilly and damp to gusty winds and sideways rain, underneath the shelter was the ideal location.

Once circled up, Goob conducted a very brief additional set of warmup exercises which included SSH, Strawberry Pickers, and High Knees all in cadence.  After that, some agitators and arm circles were encouraged while Goob laid out the pain.  Excuse me, plan.  Goob was MIA from many queues over the last several months as he trained for a marathon but always felt like he was neglecting his own site.  Many stepped up during that timeframe to ensure a successful morning for the PAX.  During this training session though, YHC pledged to be creative enough to accommodate both at the same time.  In that spirit, the beatdown was as follows:

  • Goob- 800m run which had to be completed in 3 minutes
  • PAX- prescribed exercise for 3 straight minutes or run with Goob
  • All together- 3-minute recovery jog around the base of the tower
  • **Repeat 6 times**

The prescribed exercises were merkins, American hammers, Carolina dry docks, dying cockroaches, squats, and monkey humpers.  Goob rarely ran by himself as 1 or more of the PAX joined him in the 800m sprint on several occasions choosing that pain over 3 minutes of a different pain.  At some point during the fun, Spam-A-Lot showed up and joined in having misfired at Heritage Harbor.  Also of note, after 5 rounds, it was 5:59am and the PAX voted to go one more round together to allow Goob the ability to complete the full six 800m repeats.  Everyone got in 5 minutes of EC.

Fortunately, the weather mostly cooperated, and a thorough beating was had.  Thank you to all who showed and played.


  1. Bridge-A-Life 5K, February 5th, 2022
  2. Raiders Rise-N-Run, March 12th, 2022


  1. Breath in our lungs
  2. Health


  1. PAX traveling during Christmas season
  2. Relationships with our M’s
  3. Sanity during crazy season
  4. Leaders, first responders, military


Always an honor,


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