AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 05/13/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bing, Blade Runner, Enron, Fireball, Goob, Pincher, Spinal Tap, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- actually not bad; 65 and low humidity. Bing tried to ruin it by stating how great the mornings has been.

Spinal Tap started running around 4:30am for some EC.  Goob joined him around 4:55 to grab a couple of extra miles as well.  They rolled back into the parking lot to find 6 others circled up and ready for the 5:15 call to order.  The Pax were greeted and the plan was laid out.  Easy easy around the north loop and everyone agreed their bodies needed an easy day.  So in typical fashion, only Bing, Fireball, and Goob took it easy easy.  Everyone else went bananas.


  • CSAUP- Saturday, May 14th at 5am, Coquina Beach.  Families welcome and desired at its conclusion around 8am.
  • Ragnar team desired
  • Mini triathalon (talk to Blade Runner)
  • Wild Pax


  • Shamwow’s levels continue to stabilize and/or slightly rise
  • Enron’s M is having a surgery in a month and has to ween off meds starting nwo
  • Fireball’s 2.0
  • Goob’s 2.0s traveling
  • Bladerunner’s new job (side hustle) opportunity
  • Unspoken prayers
  • First responders, fire fighters, police, sheriff, and all those protecting us

It’s always fun brothers.


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