AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 04/12/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Papa Smurf, Rapino, SnapShot, Spartan, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Downrange from Jax- Eileen

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

Temp 63°, cool breeze and very comfortable.

We met at the new parking lot across from the playground.   I must say the pavement is much smoother than Dillards.  The 5 core principles and disclaimer were given.  After doing warmups of stretches,  we mosied down under the bridge for some Strawberry Pickers and Monkey Humpers.

Thang: Dora.

100 Carolina Drydocks
200 Overhead Claps
300 Squats
400 American Hammers
While one does the reps, the other runs to the road, does 10 SSH, runs back, then switch PAX.  Each time the runner will go the opposite way to the road.

During the Dora, Eileen who was downrange from Jacksonville, found us and joined in.

When finished with the Dora, we headed to the playground for some step-ups and dips on the benches.  We mosied back to the parking lot for a quick round of Mary.

April 23 Gator Wilderness Run.
April 30 Sup n Run
May 14 CSAUP at the beach
June Family Beach Day

Prayer and Praises: Continued prayer for Mrs. Doubtfire.  All requests that remained silent.  The people of Ukraine  and Russia.

<Please remember what this weekend is all about.

SnapShot 📸 

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