AO: Hard Knocks University Ruck - Wednesday

When: 11/23/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Bing, Condenser, Kotter, Pyro, Spamalot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather: Glorious

As 5:15 struck and the bootcamp Q was running over from his ShieldLock Pre-Ruck, the pax took off, just to make it a tad more difficult for Chili Pepper to reach us.  Core Principles and Mission Statement were shared, and the Ruckers headed off in their own direction.

Mosey included a few stops that included the following:

  1. Curls x10 IC
  2. Bent over rows x10 IC
  3. Overhead press x10 OYO
  4. Dodging the milkman x1
  5. Merkins x10 IC
  6. Mountain Climbers x20 IC

It was time for the Thang..and at this point in time, we had moseyed in front of Dunkin.  The Thang included:

2 Rounds from the Ruck WOD website:

  • 50 Situps
  • 50 Overhead Press
  • 25 4-count Flutter Kicks
  • 25 Shoulder to Shoulder Press
  • Lap around parking lot

After two rounds were complete, and the conversation was heating up…if that is the right word to use….

Another mosey took place which included Monkey Humpers until failure…well, at least IC x 25.

The final mosey took us around to the back of Publix again and presented us with the most difficult decision, and with our Get Right preparations, we were all able to manage a decision in quick manner.  Thank you to the Pepperidge Farm delivery man for the offering of Regular or Corn Bread stuffing bags.  It was tough to decide, but all seemed happy with the decision they made.

Stuffing bag curls and overhead press until we returned to COT.

As always – it is an honor to lead such a great group of HIMs.

Prayer requests and announcements will be shared in the bootcamp backblast as usual.

~Bing Out

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