AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 01/16/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Callahan, Condenser, Freon, Pyro, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 2

FNG Names: Papa, Scoop

QIC: Condenser

The BackBlast:

The new AO at Legacy Trail Ashton trailhead came alive just before 6am on this cold Florida day. The weather was a brisk 39 dF and without any wind, was quite right for a brisk ruck beatdown.

As the pax gathered around, brief introductions to our FNG’s, Rod Shrock and Jason Hescock, were made. Shortly after an old face Freon showed up too. Three “southerners” (Condenser, Snapshot and Callahan) were present and soon a hot blaze of Pyro from the north appeared – county workers had the day off, and this one made the best of it!

A ruck workout was promised and delivered. (Not sure if this format will stick, since the goal is to attract new pax who will most certainly be ruckless at first):

Mission statement proclaimed, Five Core principles and disclaimer given and the a quick warmup of 20 SSH’s, 10 SP’s and 15 IW’s got this party started.

Further south we headed, down the Legacy Trail across Clark and down to the cement plan, about 3/4″ mile in all to where we would complete a Dora of 100 Ruck Curls, 100 Ruck Overhead Presses, 100 Lunges, with about a 200yd ruck out and back.

Stopped at an ideal location or two for some monkey humpers, which cost us a minute just missing an on time finish. But it was worth it to stick it to the competition…

Welcome Papa (paw-paw) and Scoop (because Man-gina was just a bit too harsh)!

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