AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 02/05/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Abacus, Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Coco, Main frame, Mr. Clean, Pink Slip, Sir Wallace, Sweet Pepper, Tugboat,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Tick tock and Pink Slip

QIC: Mr Clean

The BackBlast:

It was “chilly” by Florida standards but a great morning to be out with fellow PAX members that could not make it to the Super Hero 5K.

F3 Disclaimer for the PAX and FNG… Explained the 5 core principles and there we headed off on our Mosey.

We circled up for 10 SSH’s, Strawberry Pickers and Imperial Walkers.

The Thang – 

Was quite simple…. everyone would take a spot around the circle of cones in the field. Each cone had a exercise on it. The PAX would do the exercise in front of them for 45 seconds and then rotate to the left to the next exercise. You kept doing this until you had been in front of all 20 exercise.

Cones had the following exercises on them .


Merkins            Amer Hammers             SSH                              Moroccan NC’s             Flutters

Plank Jacks       LBC’s                            Toy Soldiers                  Small Circles                 Jump Squats

Shoulder Taps   Butterfly Sit Ups            Windmills                     Planks                          Side Lunges

Burpees            Freddy Mercuries          Imperial Walkers           Large Circles                 Lunges

After we were done with the circle of pain we headed back to the corner of the parking lot.

The next exercises would be done in increments of 7 in each of the 4 corners of the parking lot.


1st Round of 7 in each corner Burpee’s (Plank for 6)

2nd round of 14 in each corner Big Boy Sit Ups (Plank for 6)

3rd round of 21 in each corner Flutter’s (Plank for 6)

4th round of 28 in each corner Freddy Mercuries (Plank for 6)

5th Round of 35 in each corner OHC’s (Plank for 6)

As if it was planned perfectly the 6 was done at exactly 8am.


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