AO: Hard Knocks University Ruck - Wednesday

When: 12/01/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Bing, Cavallino, Chilipepper, Condenser,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

5:15a hit, Lancelot shared the core principles and welcomed our guest Woodrider from Chattanooga and the ruckers split off for our rucking fun.  After a mosi over to the parking lot near Dunkin, it was time for COP:

  • Rows x10 IC
  • Squats x10 IC
  • Overhead Press x10 IC
  • Lunges x10 IC

It was time for the Thang which included two rounds of Catch Me If You can.  Partner up.  Partner 1 does the exercise while Partner 2 briskly walks with both rucks in tow.  Once the exercise is complete, partner 1 runs to Partner two and takes the ruck. While the exchange happens, both partners perform an exercise together with their own ruck.  1 set equals both partners doing the exercises 4x.

  • 10x Squats on exchange/10x Big Boy Situps
  • 10x Merkins on exchange/10x Burpees

The sets were completed with just enough time to mosi back to the startex and a quick round of mary/ab-lab that included LBCs/Ruck extended, Flutter Kicks/Ruck extended, Swipers w ruck on stomach.

6a hit and it was time to join the bootcampers in COT.


  • Wildpax this weekend
  • Salvation Army gathering with Old Spice kits being purchased – see slack
  • Cat5 Glow Run on 12/8 – even if you are not registered to run – SHOW UP


  • Traveling pax
  • YHC 2.0’s response on a delayed response on her audition

Always an honor to lead this great group of men.

~Bing out

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