When: 10/12/2020


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Brutus, Bubbles, Condenser, FIFA, Lancelot, Lobstah, Manziel, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bubbles

The BackBlast:

Weather: 73 degrees and 88% humidity no breeze, also NO mosquitoes!

The anticipation for the Bubbles VQ was high as the PAX gathered and at 5:15 and YHC flawlessly delivered the 5 core principles. PAX set out for the mozi which included high knees, butt kickers and nur.  Then a COP with SSH, strawberry pickers, michael phelps, arm circles and some back/leg stretches.

Due to heavy fog in the area the Bubbles Blimp ride was grounded, but, that didn’t stop the PAX from enjoying the ground level views.  B – 5 burpees L – 10 lunges (each leg) I – 15  imperial walkers M – 20 merkins P – 25 plank jacks S – 30 squats. Rinse and repeat the whole length of the parking lot, run back on other side of parking and plank for the 6. Mumble chatter picked up at about the 3rd round along with Sir Walace’s  heavy breathing thanks to his Hannibal Lecter mask.

Quick water break , Lancelot questioning my music choice (Van Halen) and we moved on to part 2. Doracides. PAX paired off and completed the following : 100 dry docks 200 monkey humpers 300 mountain climbers 400 LBC. While one PAX was performing exercise PAX 2 completed suicides, the catch, performing burpees at each line , 1st line 1 burpee 2nd line 2 burpees 3rd line 3 burpees, traditional touch the ground each time back to the starting point. A couple overachievers started on a 2nd round of Doracides.

Shout out to my 2.0 FIFA who crushed it today. He wanted to be there with me for my VQ, even though we had to climb out of the fart sack extra early to make sure what I planned was a go and also give me time to loosen up my back. With about 70 seconds left and us needing about 90 LBCs he ripped off a cool 100 as the clock hit 6.

Thanks to all the PAX who supported me today and all those who have encouraged me over the last year. I never would have imagined leading a work out for a bunch of guys in way better shape then me.

If you haven’t led a beatdown yet, I’m calling you out ? because I was informed I have earned that right now. Step up and out, get uncomfortable and stretch yourself. Ask a fellow PAX to co-lead with you or help put a beat down together. It’s not that bad, if a guy named Bubbles can do it, anyone can.

Bubbles out ✌️


  • Give 2 Give
  • Walk to End Alzheimers

Praises & Prayers:

  • Praises from Bubbles for reduced back pain and not missing VQ
  • All the support and encouragement for Lancelot as he represented the Suncoast at the GrowRuck in KY over the weekend
  • Prayers for Condenser for peace, strength and wisdom
  • Prayers for all first responders, troops, service men and woman of all vocation


Be the light in a dark world. Slow to speak, be obedient to the Holy Spirit, choose love over being right. Don’t react to the attack, minister to the need.

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