AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 01/14/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Clutch, Condenser, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Take your turn

The BackBlast:

As there was not  a Q on the list we split into 3 15 minute segments.

Condensor started off with the F3 five core principles.  Next was the warm up of many stretches.   He then led us on a tour of parts of the parking lot we had not ventured to before, stopping at various spots to do excercises.  Including curb step-ups, curbees, (using the curb to do a burpee) all of the way down the parking lot, and curb hops.  Butt-kickers and high knees were included in the mosey back to the main area.

Next Snapshot led a 7’s, consisting of Bigboy setups and Carolina Dry docks.  However there was a twist, I doubled, we did 12 and 2, 10 and 4 etc.

Clutch finished with some papers he pulled from somewhere out of his archives.  Started with:

60 Merkins, 6 Burpees, run a lap

50 Flutters, 5 Burpees, run a lap

40 Big Boys, 4 Burpees, run a lap

30 Lunges, 3 Burpees, run a lap

Unfortunately time was up.  We all three had a different spin on the beatdown and enjoyed the mumble chatter and second F.

Prayers were offered up for what our country is going through at this time. Also special mention prayers for Clutch and Snapshots brother-in-law David.

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