AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 03/27/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: AirWolf, Bernie, Bing, Crabcakes, Goob, Manziel, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

It was a merry trio of Spartan, Bernie and AirWolf who shunned their fartsacks and posted for Dixieland’s last beatdown of March 2023.  With the Winn-Dixie closing on 4/10, there are 2 beatdowns remaining before this AO might have some ambiguity creeping in, but time will tell whether that’s a concern.  WX: 70 degrees and somewhat humid for this time of year although no precipitation unless you count the sweat eventually reaching the pavement.  YHC covered the 5 core principles and a disclaimer before the:

– high knees/ butt kickers
– karaoke (switch)
– nur
– toy soldiers
– 10 SSH IC
– 10 Strawberry pickers IC
– 10 burpees

The Thang:
EMOM (5 times through; total of 25 minutes)
– 20 jump squats
– 30 calf raises
– 10 aside lunges (each side)
– 20 long swimmers
– 10 burpees

7s drill
– Merkins and situp/v-ups (MOT: Nur from sidewalk to next row centerline; same back)


– 20 Big Boys OYO
– 20 Crunchy Frog IC

– Announcements:F3 Suncoast 6 Year Anniversary on 4/1 at Adventure Park – Be There!!! Gator Wilderness Camp Trail Run 4/22 at 8am (5k, 10k, 15k, and Kids Run — prices increase with the distance except for the Kids Run, which is free and at 11 after the other runs are done). Mysterio II on 4/29 starts at 0500 – connect with @Pork Roll to get on the emailing list, etc.

– TaPs: Prayers for Crabcakes’ MiL, Charlene, who fell and is going through recovery, but now is being told she also has diabetes; this is weighing on his M as well.  Prayers for Bing’s upcoming ablation that it go smoothly and resolve his recurring afib situation.  Prayers for any and all Pax dealing with injury or personal challenges that may or may not be of a physical nature — no one should feel alone if you are a part of F3 — prayers that Pax would reach out to those they know to ask for help or that the Holy Spirit would lead Pax to check on their brothers and show them they are not alone.  Reach out to someone this week you haven’t heard from recently!

We all need each other!

-AirWolf, Out


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