AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 12/08/2020


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: BP 20, Goob, Gridlock, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Gridlock

The BackBlast:

Weather: 49F with a light breeze to keep the pax honest. Perfect weather for YHC to breakout the gloves and hoodie.

Welcome: at 0515, YHC greeted the four other brave souls, stated the 5 core principles and then set out for a quick parking lot mosey.

The Thang: Since Advent has been described as “waiting”, YHC thought it good to bring a little waiting to the beatdown. The overall flow of the thang was to do an exercise with reps equal to one of the pax’s age (you know since Advent is an eager anticipation of Christ’s second coming and the anxious celebration and remembrance of His birth). Then, as all pax complete the reps, those pax already finished would “wait” with a core exercise until the 6 was in. Once all pax completed the recommended exercise, then everyone took off for a lap around the parking lot. Once back to the starting spot, pax would wait for the six in the same core exercise as they did previously. Once the six was in, a new exercise commenced with reps dictated by another pax’s age. Rinse, repeat.

The exercises, reps and advent exercise for each round were as follows:

  1. 44 merkins, plank to wait
  2. 39 scissor kicks (count one leg for each rep), glute bridge to wait
  3. 57-seconds with leg lift at 6-inches, side plank to wait
  4. 42 box cutters, lbc’s to wait
  5. 47 Freddy Mercury’s (4-count, count each leg twice for one rep), Skydivers to wait
  6. 44 big boy situps, Al Gore to wait


  1. Family-friendly beatdown at AP on Saturday.
  2. Wildpax was fun and everyone should go next year.
  3. Stay tuned for Sarasota Memorial outreach.

Praises / Requests:

  1. First responders.
  2. Injured / sick pax.
  3. Snapshot’s friend battling cancer.

Thankful for the opportunity Q and for the fellowship among good men.

“To do what others cannot do, do what others will not do.”


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