AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 03/06/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Mr. Clean, Pincher, Pyro,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Weather: perfect for a 5:15 pre-beatdown Ruck.

In preparation for GrowRuck, YHC had what some may same was the opposite of a bright idea, to start every Saturday gloom a pre-beatdown ruck at AP. So every Saturday until GrowRuck is accomplished we will meet at 5:15 am to get our body’s and minds ready for what we have signed up for.

We did all the items listed below and then we followed the AP normal Q for the regular beatdown afterwards. The ruck was kept on for Bing, Mr. Clean, Pyro, and YHC for the beatdown Brutus went Ruck free, then Bing and Mr Clean left about 1/2 way through the regular beatdown due to obligations.

I can tell you, today I am more sore than I have been in a very long time. The GrowRuck will not be something you can easily just show up for. You maybe able to survive the event based on the usual F3 fitness but am encouraging you to not do this to yourself. Get out and prep yourself, this will be a challenge, do yourself justice and put the work in to be ready. We only make each other stronger as we motivate each other to reach goals that would normally be consider unattainable, if we did it solo. Rumor has it there are 25 of us signed up for GrowRuck, yet only 5 PAX showed this gloom.

  • 2 mile ruck…15 min pace. (1 mile each direction)
  • 10 reps- Zercher Squat: Squat with ruck in front of you (held vertically by the back straps)
  • 10 reps- Forward Lunge: with Ruck held High over head. (5 per leg)
  • 10 reps- Merkins: with ruck on.
  • 10 reps- Overhead Big Boys: ruck held high, arms extended
  • 10 reps- get ups (squat down low, roll onto back, roll forward and back up…no hands)
  • 10 reps- Squat with Overhead Press: Squat down, up, then press ruck overhead.
  • Rinse and repeat all including 2 mile ruck.
  • We had a little extra time so we finish with an extra mile Ruck.

Pincher Out

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