AO: Bad Clown Bootcamp - Friday

When: 12/03/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Sir Wallace, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Steel

The BackBlast:

Five decided to forgo Wildpax and show up for Fridays beatdown, either we were scared or just the smart ones, you decide.  We started off with a mosey with some imperial walkers, bear crawls, and toy soldiers thrown in.  I decided to leave the army crawl out this time but dont worry, it will be back.  We ended the warmup with some morrocan night clubs and some inner thigh exercise that I have yet to find a name for.   We headed for the base of Sniper hill where the gauntlet was laid down.  It was a 10 exercise 20 rep stack with a run to the top of Sniper Hill.

1 American Hammers

2 Plank Jacks

3 Flutter Kicks

4 Crab Jacks

5 Monkey Humpers


7 Merkins

8 Squats

9 Mountain Climbers

10 Burpees

At 5:55 we headed up the tower focusing on calves every other flight.  Arriving at the top to watch the fog roll in and finish the last four minutes off with a round of marry’s.   Carolina Dry Docks, Slow Jump Squats and of course 30  60  90s from Snapshot.  As always, a pleasure to lead and be part of F3.

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