AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 01/04/2023


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Brutus, Fireball, Manning, Manziel, Ripken,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Manziel

The BackBlast:

Weather: 67 and humid

After Pincher hogged all of the December Dixieland Qs, it was good for YHC to get back in the saddle. Not sure how the other pax felt about that, but I didn’t bother to ask.

At 5.15 it was just YHC, Manning and Brutus so I told them that they already knew the core principles & disclaimer and after stalling, we launched on a mozi with carioca x2, butt kickers, nur and toy soldiers. Right as we got back for the circle (or maybe triangle?) of pain, Fireball pulled in – driving yet another different car. COP included strawberry pickers, arm circles, agitators, hillbilly walkers, Michael Phelps and Jimmy Dean bad back stretches – which were planned since they were fresh in my mind from Jimmy Dean’s Q on Saturday, not because Brutus was talking about doing more stretching with his M (whatever that’s supposed to mean).

With enough time burned off, we moved to the main thang, which was the famous Manziel 3-ways – again, predicted by Brutus. Most of you have done them before and I’m too lazy right now to explain them again. But there are plenty of old backblasts to describe it. We did 5 sets, which went like this:

Set 1 (20 reps each):

  • Monkey Humpers
  • Salsa Dips
  • Mountain Man S**tters (too bad Ripken missed these)
  • Mode of transportation: nur

Set 2 (25 reps each):

  • Overhead Claps
  • Hello Dolly
  • Big Boy Situps
  • Mode of transportation: skip

Set 3 (30 reps each):

  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Leg Raises
  • Lunges (count both legs)
  • Mode of transportation: Side shuffle

Set 4 (35 reps each):

  • Calf Raises
  • LBCs
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Mode of transportation: Carioca

Set 5 (40 reps each):

  • American Hammers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Overhead Claps (again)
  • Mode of transportation: Nur (again)

All went well, except for the point in which we all reached the far end and forgot what the exercise was. Give us a break, it’s early. We finished with a couple minutes to spare, and Fireball led us in some additional stretching to just drive home the point how inflexible we all are. Except him. We finished our stretches on our sixes, and decided to just do the COT from there (cause there’s no rule against that, right?). A few minutes in, Ripken rolled up claiming that he had just spent the last 45 minutes doing burpees and other stuff at LA Fitness. Apparently he doesn’t like 3-ways.


  • Wildpax
  • Superhero 5K, February 11
  • Gator Wilderness, in April
  • Lots of good stuff with VMA

Prayers & Praises:

  • Damar Hamlin, the Bills player injured on Monday night, and praises to the doctors & medical personnel who saved him
  • Kim, Stagecoach’s sister, and their families
  • Police, troops, firefighters, first responders
  • Kids going back to school

Q Source at Panera followed. We thought the topic was supposed to be Q3.2, Mutual Competence, so that’s what we discussed. It was a great conversation until we ran across the term Flesh Anchor. After that, it sounded like a Beavis & Butthead episode. I would have been disappointed if it went any other way.

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