AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 12/18/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Bing, Pincher, Ripken,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

The Q Slot was still open, so last minute fill in by YHC. Legs feeling a bit tired it was called to do a warmup by going over behind the mall and getting in some “hill” intervals. Yes there are true Florida hills in the back park of the mall parking lot.

YHC then announced a full NBP loop segment hunt. Out the gates Ripken hit it hard, keeping on his wheel as the focus but Bing wasn’t feeling it today as he’s recovering from a tender foot. Leaving just Rip and YHC to set the pace and PR. It was a success as we both achieved the goal, KOM however we need to shave off a min. See this happening in the future.

After we finished we did some easy loops around the overpass parking lot, waiting for Bing. We started to get nervous as he seemed to be taking too long. So we reversed the NBP loop to go see what happened. We never found him until we got all the way back to the start, Waldo (Bing) went exploring and was the reason he wasn’t found. It was all good he was safe and gave us a much needed cool down lap looking for him.

Pincher out!

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