When: 04/26/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Curds, Mugsy, Sir Wallace, Spartan, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Curds

The BackBlast:

Late back blast, but late is better than never!

Before you can run, you must learn to walk, before you can walk, we’re aimlessly crawling. A Curds VQ is only fitting to bring us back to our roots of crawling through the gloom. As a late ’80’s baby, developing in the ’90’s, it was a necessity to pair the morning beat down to some of the best ’90’s jock jams on the JBL.

The F3 mission was reviewed as well as the 5 core principles (digital note card required)

Warm Up

Fishbone Mosey of side shuffles, kareoke, back pedal, sprints, butt kickers and high knees.

We circled up to elevate HR with 10X of each: SSH, Strawberry Pickers, LBC’s, Arm Circles.

The Thang

5 Exercise stations

Method of transportation between stations  = Bear Crawl.

10 Yard Bear Crawl

20 Squats

10 Yard Bear Crawl

20 Merkins

10 Yard Bear Crawl

10 Burpees

10 Yard Bear Crawl

20 4-Count Flutter Kicks

10 Yard Bear Crawl

20 4-Count Mountain Climbers

Complete 1 lap jog around parking lot

Repeat 6X

After round 1 VQ made a rookie mistake of thinking he could call cadence through the whole beat down. As all great leaders do, we delegate tasks. PAX took turns calling cadence each round until 6am sharp.


All PAX working though physical, mental and emotional challenges.

Spinal tap – praise for safe travels to Nashville, spending quality time with family.

Mugsy moved into his new home. Grateful for timing to secure in such a challenging housing market. Prayers for stepping up as a leader in his organization, proposing new ideas as part of the executive team and that fellow team members embrace change

Curds “squeaked” this VQ out, looking forward to the next!












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